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Beta Gamma Alumni

The Beta Gamma chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi opens rush to both the Fall and Spring semesters at Indiana University. View past and present pledge classes that have completed the pledgeship process in order to gain full membership into the brotherhood

FALL 2017


Pledge Brothers: 

Calvin Auyeueng, Cormac Brown, Jacob Confer, Benjamin Ficht, Carly Holzner, Nick Malone, Lara Amidei, Brogan Bennell, Clara Cappel, Charlie Code, Ashley Cornille, Preneetha Desu, Trevor Don, Camille Fountas, Mary Hall, Aaron Knopman, Henrietta Kemppaninen, Nicholas Lazaroae, Logan Lovelace, Tyler Luby, Valerie McEldowney, Will McKenna, Hanna Meyer, Margaret Nicholson, John Nickalaou, Tommy Nordberg, Marie ONeill, Juilana Sherburne, Becca Richter, Audrey Sloane, Dana Walker, Ally Wehn

Pledge Brothers: 

Calvin Auyeueng, Cormac Brown, Jacob Confer, Benjamin Ficht, Carly Holzner, Nick Malone, Lara Amidei, Brogan Bennell, Clara Cappel, Charlie Code, Ashley Cornille, Preneetha Desu, Trevor Don, Camille Fountas, Mary Hall, Aaron Knopman, Henrietta Kemppaninen, Nicholas Lazaroae, Logan Lovelace, Tyler Luby, Valerie McEldowney, Will McKenna, Hanna Meyer, Margaret Nicholson, John Nickalaou, Tommy Nordberg, Marie ONeill, Juilana Sherburne, Becca Richter, Audrey Sloane, Dana Walker, Ally Wehn

Vice President of Membership:

Ani Chalian 


Pledge Trainer:

Steven Smith




Pledge Brothers: 

Nick Broyles,Blake Dillow, Evan Eldred, Zach Goodman, Kaitlyn Hauser, Angelique Martin, 

Alexys Negron, Jordan Bach, Taylor Ficker, Ron Fine, Aditya Jalan, Nicole Keresh, Timothy Le, 

Vinay Moorthy, Sitara Mysore, Calum Nettleton, Emma Pappas, Maggie Qian, Nicholas Rallo, 

Kelly Rentfow, Tarun Suresh, Niko Talwar, Kenna Worcester

Vice President of Membership:

Ani Chalian 


Pledge Trainer:

Brad Lewis


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