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Further your business’s outreach and support the education of the world’s next business leaders.

Welcome Letter
Dear Prospective Partners, 

Alpha Kappa Psi at Indiana University is an organization of future leaders and business professionals who strive for greatness. The brotherhood is made up of members from diverse backgrounds, all with the passion to work together and establish lifelong connections while also focusing on their own goals and aspirations. Within Alpha Kappa Psi, we offer our members a variety of opportunities to grow professionally, and we send our members to a wide range of companies and firms. As a corporate partner, we have the opportunity to present your unique brand and culture to the top students at Indiana University. Our brothers are thankful for our corporate partners, and we could not operate without them.


Throughout the rest of this page you will see exactly what our fraternity does, who we are as an organization, and how we can benefit you as a corporate partner. If you are interested in viewing our Corporate Partner Opportunity Guide, setting up a call, or reaching out for additional information, please feel free to email me at


On behalf of the entire Beta Gamma Chapter, I want to thank you for considering a partnership with Alpha Kappa Psi, and I hope to hear from you soon.




Kate Smith

Vice President of External Relations

Kate Headshot.jpeg

Where Professional Meets Personal

We strive to expand our knowledge and expose ourselves to real-life business experiences and opportunities. We proudly collaborate with partners on professional events such as:


  •  Executive presentations


  •  Company visits​


  • Organizational showcases



  •  Recruitment opportunities


  •  Networking events


  •  Business seminars 


Professional Development

Beta Gamma Benefits


Culture of Giving Back

This past year, our brothers funded over 500 free student therapy sessions through the Rob Liu Memorial Foundation. They also participated in 20+ community service events, which included stocking the Monroe County Book Fair, sorting cans at Hoosier Hills food bank, and folding clothes at My Sister's Closet. Our organization focuses on giving back to the community that has given us so much, and we are always looking for ways to get our corporate partners involved in the process!


A Reach Wider than AKPsi

Within Alpha Kappa Psi, more than 80% of our brothers are involved in another organization on campus. We have brothers involved in the Indiana University Dance Marathon for Riley Hospital for Children, Women In Business, Spikeball Club, and more. We also have 37% of our brothers involved in Kelley workshops, which are home to extremely talented business students. By partnering with AKPsi, your brand is exposed to more than just our fraternity; it is exposed to competent students across campus.


Diversity of Brothers

Although Alpha Kappa Psi is a professional business fraternity, our brothers are interested in a lot more than business. Beta Gamma brothers are pursuing degrees in 28 different majors, including business, education, media and advertising, and biology. This diversity gives our partners access to brothers with a variety of interests and experiences outside of the business world. We are always looking to learn more about the world around us, and we want to share this knowledge with our corporate partners.

Beta Gamma Benefit

Our Community Involvement

Being a part of something bigger - it's what Beta Gamma is all about.

Community Involvement P

Teacher's Excellence

Every year, our chapter recognizes outstanding professors at our teacher's excellence ceremony. These professors are nominated by and voted on by members of our fraternity and recognized at a formal dinner. We present the winners and nominees with awards, as well as give short speeches to express our gratitude for them. Without the knowledge from our professors, we would not be able to succeed in the workplace.

Highway Cleanup

Every semester, our current pledge class spends a day cleaning up a local highway. Not only is this a great bonding experience, but it helps keep the Bloomington community litter-free, and it encourages our brothers to be environmentally conscious. The day consists of picking up trash and debris, as well as ensuring that the road is hazard-free. 

Local Charities

Because service is one of our five main pillars, our brothers take part in a variety of service events throughout the semester. From helping out at nursing homes to serving food at soup kitchens, there is nothing our members would not do to help the local community. This fall semester, we are planning on building a Little Free Library for the Bloomington community and are looking forward to sharing more information once it is completed.

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