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Beta Gamma Alumni
The Beta Gamma chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi opens rush to both the Fall and Spring semesters at Indiana University. View past and present pledge classes that have completed the pledgeship process in order to gain full membership into the brotherhood.

FALL 2014
Pledge Brothers:
Jonathan Faulk, Nathan Franz, Mikaela Gilbert, Hirshi Kamdar, Matthew Krites, Annika Morin, Claire Baisley, Mihir Barot, Ani Chalian, Elizabeth Horita, Addison Huneycutt, Brad Lewis, Grace Liu, Kate Newman, Sanaa Raj, Nellie Richardson, Anusha Sen Gupta, Tom Strong, Charlotte Sundel, Sushmitha Suresh, Taejas Srinivasan, Emily Wierman
Vice President of Membership:
Meg Will
Pledge Trainer:
Cody Chase

Pledge Brothers:
Emil Wakim, Matthew Begley, Isaac Peterson, Ian McCann, Lucas Rutherford, Evan Wallbruch, Sam Bostak, Evan Golodner, Collin Hecht, Chris Aniello, Chloe Mars, Koby Clemow, Kayla Kocal, Spencer Metcalf, Sai Mandala, Mikayla Geier, Lindsay Seib, Rachel Harris, Jonathan Ort, Mary Claire Bassett
Vice President of Membership:
Meg Will
Pledge Trainer:
Luke Shappard
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