Our Leadership
At Beta Gamma, brothers adopt formal leadership in the chapter through Board of Governors, Appointed Officers, Strategy Board, Senior Advisory Board, and Associated Directors. These active members lead the way to a brighter future.
Board of Governors
Our Board of Governors act as a body of formal leaders who oversee all of Beta Gamma's operations, committees, events, and overall chapter.
Access BoG's LinkedIn profiles by clicking on their pictures.
McMillan Davis | President
Oversees: Chapter, Strategy Board, NI Task Force
Description of Position:
As President, I oversee the Board of Governors, manage the day-to-day activities as well as the long-term strategic outlook of the fraternity. Additionally, I represent the Beta Gamma chapter to the Heritage Center and the governing body of Alpha Kappa Psi.
Paige Settersten | Supreme Court Chief Justice
Oversees: Chapter, Senior Advisory Board, NI Education
Description of Position:
As Supreme Court Chief Justice, I interpret and apply the laws that govern our chapter. It is my job to work with New Initiates to progress and develop these laws, ensuring that the chapter is continuously growing. Presenting new endeavors, ideas, and structures are what continue to make our chapter live to its fullest potential.
Alex Van Bibber | Vice President of Membership
Oversees: Membership
Description of Position:
As the Vice President of Membership, I am in charge of planning and executing rush I focus on ensuring that pledges learn the history and values of the fraternity and are smoothly integrated into the chapter. During pledgeship, I work closely with the Pledge Trainer to develop the pledges throughout the process.
Kate Smith| Vice President of External Relations
Oversees: Corporate Relations, Community Service, Philanthropy
Description of Position:
As Vice President of External Relations, I work extensively with our current partners and explore prospective partners for Beta Gamma. My goal through my term is to be able to gain more resources and projects for our brothers to invest themselves in.
Haley Hunt | Vice President of Alumni Relations
Oversees: Brotherhood, Alumni Relations
Description of Position:
As Vice President of Alumni Relations, I foster the brotherhood between current members along with our vast amount of experienced alumni. I plan to strive for a diverse and fulfilling experience for everyone in Beta Gamma.
Zac Burgess | Vice President of Finance
Oversees: Finance
Description of Position:
As Vice President of Finance, I conduct the Finance committee. My responsibilities include organizing the chapter budgets and fundraising for the fraternity. Additionally, I work closely with the Treasurer and all of BOG to facilitate any expenses we incur.
Emily Szczepanski | Vice President of Professional Development
Oversees: Professional Development, Teacher's Excellence
Description of Position:
I create the curriculum for pledge professional development and organize events for the professional network of our actives. My committee's goal is to be a resource for all brothers and help prepare them for everything to come in future careers.
Luca Scalia | Vice President of Communications
Oversees: Marketing, Apparel, Technology, Historian
Description of Position:
As Vice President of Communication, I promote all marketing, advertising, and digital structure both internally and externally for the chapter. Directing effective and efficient communication for brothers is my goal through this role.
Gourav Debroy| Vice President of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Oversees: Strategy & Diversity Board
Description of Position:
As Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, I promote all diversity initiatives both internally and externally for the chapter. My goal is to ensure that Alpha Kappa Psi is an inclusive and supportive environment and that our commitment to DEI is reflected in our rush process and other policies.
Appointed Officers
The following brothers hold formal leadership positions that pertain to specific parts of chapter's structure and functionality, upholding the well- being of Beta Gamma.
Caroline Woertz
Erik Reazor
Alex Griesemer
Master of Rituals
Izzy Grecco
Mia Cochran
Zirui Fang
Michael Morin
Pledge Trainer
Bryant Teegardin
Senior Advisory Board
Appointed seniors who offer guidance and support to the Beta Gamma chapter.
Ansh Chawla
Sophie Gasaway
Nolan Kramer
Louie Sun
Strategy & Diversity Board
Appointed brothers who have an open discussion about chapter operations and further the chapter's growth.
Aniket Jha
Srimaan Kolanakuduru
Rayhan Sameer
Evan Ng
Raj Raghuwanshi
Meghana Thota
Associate Directors
The Active Brothers who are appointed by BOG to assist and direct specific committees and avenues of the fraternity.
Membership Associate Directors
Anna Bovaird| Education AD
Ayush Ganju | Integration AD
​Rosie Kerrigan| Chapter Engagement AD
Giselle Khalife| Logistics AD
Finance Associate Directors
Rishabh Meshineni| Finance AD
Sam O'Mara | Finance AD
​Rayhan Sameer| Finance AD
Elise Varhan| Finance AD
Brotherhood Associate Directors
Saarav Desai | Brotherhood AD
Laney Dodd| Brotherhood AD
Tyler Kern | Brotherhood AD
Kyle Mitchell | Brotherhood AD
Abhi Patel | Brotherhood AD
Caroline Woertz | Brotherhood AD
Professional Development Directors
Lucas Crossman | Alumni AD
Naiya Livingston | Pledge AD
Sarina Shah | Actives AD​
Alumni Relations Associate Directors
Thor Avelar | AR AD
Kathryn Hartung | AR AD​
Mental Health Associate Directors
Allison Craig | Mental Health AD
Anjali Panchedula | Mental Health AD
Marketing Associate Directors
Zoey Hornback| Content Creation AD
Melina Penniston | Content Creation AD
Philanthropy Associate Directors
Noreen Reilly | Philanthropy AD
Corporate Relations Associate Directors
Sadie Kohlman | CR AD
Graham Korensky | CR AD
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Associate Directors
Mohena Gupta| DEI AD
Andrew Tenreiro | DEI AD
Community Service Associate Directors
Aayush Kaushal| CS AD
Lucca Kohl | CS AD
Peter Shi | CS AD
Apparel Associate Directors
Marina D'arco | Apparel AD
Sean Fawaz | Apparel AD
Technology Associate Directors
Mary Foster | Technology AD
Master of Ceremonies
Mohena Gupta | MOC ​
Chris Nosewicz | MOC
Rotational Associate Directors
Ben Brogan| Rotational AD
Stella Boothman | Rotational AD
Ahna Cobb| Rotational AD
Dylan Meyers| Rotational AD
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